Crowdfunding Opportunities

Educating the Future’s Build-A-Classroom  initiative is one of our most exciting yet! 

We recognise the fortunate position of Australia’s access to quality education and urges Australian citizens to do the same, calling for them to help achieve equitable global standards. 

Build-A-Classroom searches for individuals, schools and company groups who are willing to raise funds that enable the youth of Timor-Leste to receive an education. This will equip them with the skills to reach their full potential, something that many Australians take for granted. 

To build a classroom, our sponsors will raise funds through their respective audiences, whilst Educating the Future coordinates the construction of the school and guarantees effective use of the sponsor’s funds. Whether it be the individual, school or company that raises the funds, the mission of educational freedom in Timor-Leste will be one step closer.

You can donate to a current crowdfunding campaign or set up your own campaign via our Raisely site here

If you would like more information about starting your own crowdfunding campaign you can email