Timor-Leste Pre-School Construction Program

With the support of donations, Educating The Future is working to renovate and/or construct preschools in regional and remote Timor-Leste in order to:

Increase the percentage of preschool-aged children that are enrolled in preschool.

Reduce repetition and drop-out in primary education by improving early literacy and childhood development.

Establish safe preschool facilities which encourage positive learning outcomes and are geographically accessible to children.

To date, Educating The Future has completed preschools in Railaco Motahare and Fahisoi. A third preschool construction is underway in Fahiten and plans for the organisation’s fourth and fifth preschools are underway!  

#1 Railaco Motahre, Ermera Municiplaity

#2 Fahisoi, Aileu Municiplaity

#3 Fahiten, Liquica Municipality

The Impact of Our Work

Educating The Future’s social impact is targeted primarily towards rural Timor-Leste, specifically through the construction of preschools in rural areas. 

To date, Educating The Future has allowed X children to access preschool education who would not otherwise have been able to. 

Educating The Future also has a significant social impact in Australia. Through volunteer and cultural immersion programs, Educating The Future is contributing to the professional and personal development of the next generation of Australian leaders.

How We Operate

Educating The Future operates with a close functioning, valued relationship with the Timorese Government’s Ministry of Education or Ministra da Educação, Juventude e Desporto (MEJD). Educating The Future is proud to have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the MEJD that formalises this strategic partnership and all programs have been developed in collaboration to ensure effectiveness and efficiency.

The process of renovating and/or constructing preschools first involves Educating The Future and the MEJD deciding on a preschool location based on the MEJD’s priority list. Following this, Educating The Future and the MEJD conduct site visits, beginning a socialisation process with the community and engaging the local municipality. The Construction process is initiated with respect to the local land ownership laws, local techniques and construction methods, locally sourced materials, and labour sourced directly from the communities themselves. Throughout the entire process, construction by the community is supported through fundraising efforts from Educating The Future's Australia team. Finally following the construction completion teachers and educational materials are provided by the MEJD and the preschool is opened for operation as a public preschool. This operating model stimulates the local economy, provides employment for community members and in turn allows Timorese children of remote or impoverished communities the opportunity to attend school and brighten their own futures.

Our Why



of education expenditure is allocated to preschool education


villages are without public preschools

When Educating The Future’s co-founders first visited Timor-Leste in 2015, they discovered that the Timorese Government intends to “provide all children between 3-5 years of age access to a quality preschool program close to their home” with “one preschool in each of the 442 villages''. However, only 2% of education expenditure is allocated to preschool education and 330 villages are without public preschools …

that’s why we exist.